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Desdemona A Play About A Handkerchief Pdf ##BEST## Free

Othello most probably made up this version of the origin of the handkerchief to test Desdemona. He wants his wife to tell him the truth about the whereabouts of the personal object. Desdemona is bothered by the story and lies to Othello for the first time. She says that the handkerchief is still with her.

Desdemona A Play About A Handkerchief Pdf Free

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If at the beginning of the play, Desdemona symbolized purity and cleanliness for Othello. Later he starts using animal metaphors while talking about her. When Othello becomes completely poisoned with jealousy, he compares Desdemona with

Iago then brings up the lost handkerchief, saying if he'd given it to a woman, it would be her possession, and she'd be free to give it to anyone she pleased. Othello then asks whether her honor could be given as freely, too. And darn it! He wishes he could forget about that stupid handkerchief. (Thanks for bringing it up again, Iago.)

The textual history of Othello is opaque. The play was first published in 1622 as a quarto (Q1) and then, a year later, in a different version in the 1623 First Folio (F1). F1's version of the play is about 160 lines longer than Q1, with some of those lines clustering into distinct passages that do not have an equivalent in Q1. There are also different readings of hundreds of words including, most famously, the discrepancies between Q1's Othello reporting that Desdemona rewarded him with a "world of sighs" while F1 has a "world of kisses" (Act 1, scene 3). There is no scholarly consensus on the origins of these differences or on which text to use as the basis for an edition. The Folger edition is based on Q1, indicating Q-only words with pointed brackets and F-only lines with square brackets.

Iago's villainy drives the action throughout the entire play, yet many people have wondered about his motivation. Here at the very end he is refusing to explain himself even under the threat of torture. He remains a mystery.

This is an example of specious reasoning and rationalization. In all likelihood, Othello is not concerned about any "betrayal" of other men. More pressingly, he can't stand the thought of what Desdemona might do with "more men" if he were to divorce her or separate from her and allow her complete freedom to indulge in the sort of dissolute behavior of which he wrongly suspects her. Othello is characterized as a man who is governed by his emotions rather than by his reason.

Through these internal conflicts, we are able to learn more about the characters. With Othello, we learn that he can become very jealous and persuaded easily. We also find that Desdemona is emotional and loves Othello even after he treated her badly. These internal conflicts are at the root of the external conflicts of the play. In conclusion, it can be clearly seen that no matter how big of a tragedy there is, conflict always lies at the heart of it.


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