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Aescripts StageTool 1.3

Aescripts StageTool 1.3

Do you want to create pixel mappings for your VJ performances in After Effects and export them to Resolume? If yes, then you might be interested in Aescripts StageTool 1.3, a plugin that lets you do just that with ease and flexibility.

What is Aescripts StageTool 1.3?

Aescripts StageTool 1.3 is a plugin for After Effects that allows you to create pixel mappings for your VJ performances very easily within After Effects. You can simply enter the properties of the LED slice and hit create. Then you can position the LED slices to match your stage, and export the composition to Resolume Arena 5, 6 and Arena (7).


What are the features of Aescripts StageTool 1.3?

Aescripts StageTool 1.3 has many features that make it a powerful and versatile tool for creating pixel mappings. Some of the features are:

  • Create multiple output compositions.

  • LED tile feedback: checkerboard, outlines, cross indicator & more.

  • Easily add your logo to the slices.

  • Live position indicators.

  • Change the color, scale, rotation of each slice with the input parameters.

  • Remove tiles from your slice with 'negatives'.

  • Easily screenshot your mask, input and output compositions.

  • Export XML to Resolume Arena 5 & 6, (inclusive rectangle masks).

How to use Aescripts StageTool 1.3?

The workflow of using Aescripts StageTool 1.3 is simple and intuitive. Here are the steps to follow:

  • First of all, create your input composition and output composition(s). (An ID text layer will be created that is linked to the resolution of your composition). After that, refresh the targets and select which output you want to send your slice to.

  • Specify the properties of the slice you want to create, and hit the create button. (You can reposition your slices later, the position text layers will be updated automatically).

  • After you are finished with creating and positioning your slices, you can simply export your compositions, mask and XML for Resolume in the export tab.

If you want to see a video tutorial on how to use Aescripts StageTool 1.3, you can watch it [here].

Where to get Aescripts StageTool 1.3?

If you are interested in getting Aescripts StageTool 1.3, you can purchase it from [Aescripts] for $56.00. You can also try it for free with some limitations, such as limited number of slices, limited slice surface, no virtual slices, no negative tiles and no export.


Aescripts StageTool 1.3 is a plugin for After Effects that lets you create pixel mappings for your VJ performances very easily within After Effects and export them to Resolume Arena 5, 6 and Arena (7). It has many features that make it a powerful and versatile tool for creating pixel mappings. It has a simple and intuitive workflow that allows you to create and position your slices with ease and flexibility. It is available for purchase from Aescripts for $56.00 or for free trial with some limitations.


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